Oh for a Hot Cup of Tea
This is how we started the day. I was feeling all mumsy, and particularly patient, so we made cakes. Green cakes. It was awesome. Edward was awesome. We had particular fun fishing egg shell out of the mixture (cake anyone?!) and licking out bowls whilst trying not to get green hair. Then 9.30 came and we had to leave the house and it went downhill from there. A little boy suffering from no naps and 4am starts did not want to leave the house especially not without his Tractor Ted CD which unfortunately (but somewhat blissfully) was left in his father's car. We brushed this off as a minor inconvenience and carried on our way. Happily we sang a few rounds of the Wheels on the Bus and got to the Morrisons roundabout at Beccles where less than 5 minutes from our destination, he fell asleep. Still, I thought, it was less than 5 minutes, we'll still be on for our post-lunch nap so I woke him up, followed by much crying of 'back to sleep' and off we trotted to TinyT...